
Every Christian should sooner or later be a part of a living chain of people who are relating to a mentor and serving as one. Being helped, and being a helper – this is the New Testament pattern! This is the way that Jesus set out for us. Jesus spent time making disciples and then He commands them to make other disciples!

Perhaps you have felt you are not a strong follower of Jesus because you don't know a lot of Bible, or your prayer life is not very strong. Nonsense! Martin Luther said, "The simplest peasant, armed with the Gospel, is mightier than a Pope!"

Your own growth in Christ will be greatly benefitted by having someone who has taken a few steps ahead of you, and who can show you where to place your feet next as you journey toward maturity. If you do not have one yet, discuss with your leader who that person might be for you. Your leader will make sure that you will have a mentor.

As you join hands with this person, there will be someone just a few steps behind you. As you continue to grow, the time will soon come when you will begin to hold this person's hands and be his guide in his journey of life. You will do with this person what your mentor has done with you. You do not need to worry that you don't know what to do; you have a mentor who will walk with you. If he does not know the answer, he himself has a mentor.

You will keep in touch and meet regularly with the person you are mentoring. In special times of need, you may spend hours together, as a good friend would do. Although your leader will always be ready to spend time with you, your main person to walk with you by your side would be your mentor. Your mentor, the person you are mentoring and you will create a special "triplet" for prayer and for sharing. You will be three links in a chain.

Having a mentor and being a mentor: that's what makes the cell group a vital gathering. Enter into this lifestyle with a total commitment to be God's person for others!

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