The Wisdom of God
1 Cor 2:1-16
The theme of 1 Corinthians chapter 2 is the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God is entirely different from worldly wisdom. In this chapter, we can discern two characteristics of God's wisdom. We should understand the characteristics of God's wisdom, in order that we may be able to have the wisdom of God.
1. Apparently weak, yet almighty
The first characteristic of the wisdom of God is that apparently it is weak and tender, yet it is actually almighty and powerful. The gist of the Gospel is the cross (vs. 2). Why should Jesus be crucified? It is because of the sins of human beings! Paul begins right away to talk about human sins. The message of the cross is a declaration of the impotence of human beings. No matter how clever, how talented, how rich or how powerful you are, you are not up to the standard. It is impossible for you to obtain abundance of life by your own effort. The best you can do is to appear better than others. But comparing to the standard of God, you are still far below. You simply cannot save yourself.
The modern world is a world of high degree of self-expansion. We admire and adore the abilities of people. The vogue is on self-affirmation, self-confidence, self-actualization, and self-image. But the cross declares the impotence of the self. Therefore, the wisdom of God is foolish to the world. The wisdom of God begins with the negation of human wisdom.
When we admit that human beings are incapable, and are willing to let go human wisdom and effort, but to repent and receive the redemption of Jesus on the cross, we begin to experience the power of the cross! Paul says, he does not preach with wise and artful words, but with the power and witness of the Holy Spirit, so that our faith depends not on human wisdom, but on the power of God. (vv. 4-5) Where do we see the power of God, in the transformation of life. This is the greatest miracle.
*The power of the Gospel is manifested in the transformation of life. Our life should be continuously transformed by God. Share one of your recent transformation of life by God.
2. Revealed in the Holy Spirit
The second characteristic of the wisdom of God is that it is revealed only in the Holy Spirit. The wisdom of God is a mystery, so superb that "no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined". (vs. 9) The wisdom of God can only be apprehended through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. It is so high and so deep that no one can understand by carnal wisdom.
We make decisions by rational thinking, weighing between benefits and costs. Rational thinking is through reasoning, and we will do whatever is more reasonable. Another thing that would affect our decision is feeling. We will do something that makes us feel good and more comfortable. This is the way that human beings make decisions, by the judgement of reason and feeling. This is the limitation of those who do not have the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the unbelievers do not know the voice of God. (v. 14)
God is transcendent. His voice often transcends human reasoning and feeling. We cannot know God only through reasoning and feeling. We need the revelation of God. The voice of the Holy Spirit transcends human reasoning and feeling. Thank the Lord! Those who have believed have received the Holy Spirit, and are able to hear the voice of God. "Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God." (v. 12)
Those who have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit can hear the voice of God. And the Holy Spirit will constantly instruct what to do and what to forbid, because "the spiritual person judges all things," (v.15) In fact, successful life depends not on how much you have achieved, but on how much you have done what God instructs you to do. Simply follow the voice of the Holy Spirit, and you will lead a successful life.
*Share an incident of hearing the voice of God, which is transcending human reasoning and feelings. How has God blessed you when you follow what has been revealed to you?
*How can you be more sensitive to the voice of God and receive more revelations?