Values and You

A. What influence do values have on a person?

A person's values directly affect the following things:
1. Self-image
2. Academic choice
3. Spouse selection
4. Priorities
5. Acceptance of others
6. Education of the next generation

B. Where do values come from?

The factors that influence us the most include the following:
1. Our parents or the most authoritative people in the family
2. Teachers, especially those we admire the most
3. Friends
4. Mass media
5. Faith

C. The influence of values on people

1 Samuel 18:5-16
Saul's values represent the views of ordinary people: measuring their own value by achievements, outstanding, caring about what others think of them, and using any means to achieve their goals.
This value system had a great impact on him:
1. He was not at peace, was unhappy, and was jealous
2. His interpersonal relationships were broken: he wanted to hurt people who were stronger than him -- David
3. He became mentally ill
4. His relationship with God was broken, and he lost God's presence!
Obviously, these values do not come from God. God created everyone to be unique. He does not want us to compare ourselves with others, because everyone is different. Secondly, gifts come from God, not from humans. Thirdly, gifts are not for showing off, but for serving others; Fourthly, all vanity in the world is short-lived, and what is most important is what can last forever. Fifthly, we are one body and should cooperate with each other. David's victory was actually a glory for the entire country and for Saul personally. If Saul had such a view, he would have felt happy when he saw others achieve success!

D. God's requirements for reorganizing our values

Reorganizing values is necessary for every believer. In fact, God requires us to be determined and willing to reorganize our values before we believe in the Lord. However, this change in values is not something that can be achieved overnight; it is an arduous process, and the reorganization of values is still a lesson we need to continue to learn.
1. Mark 1:15: When Jesus began his ministry, he asked us to repent, which means changing our values and outlook on life, and basing everything on God's views and principles.
2. Romans 12:2: God requires us to have our minds renewed to conform to His values and outlook on life.
3. Ephesians 4:20-24: Those who believe in the Lord will have all their thoughts and concepts changed.
4. Philippians 3:8: What was once a treasure to Paul now is but rubbish.
5. Matthew 6:24: To be truly free from worry, we must put God in the first place of our values.


Values and You