Love till it can be felt

Relationships of love are the focus of the cell church movement. The cell church movement is not a new method or a new model that makes church growth so simple, but it restores the church to a group, that is, returning to the original nature of the church established by God. The church is a group, a group of people who love and commit to each other.

John 13: 34-35:"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

The world recognizes us as the Lord's disciples by our loving relationship with one another. The Great Commission is built on the foundation of a loving community. If the Great Commission is implemented without the foundation of love, it will become very utilitarian.

God does not call us to succeed but to love—to love unconditionally, freely given and freely give. God does not measure people by gifts, talents, money, status, achievements, etc. as the world does, but He measures people according to His love. No matter how good our service may be outwardly, it has no eternal value in God's eyes if it is not motivated by love.

How can we build a loving community?

Romans 12:10:"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love."

"Love devotedly" means to love in a way that the other person can feel it.

Love needs to be expressed; love that is not expressed is not love, because love requires action. Love not only needs to be expressed, but also needs to be expressed in a way that others can feel it.

How to express love? There are five ways to express love. These five approaches are essential to building any close and lasting relationship.

Spend time with others

For no particular purpose, just to be with others.

I suggest a very simple method that makes it easy for you to be there for the people with whom you have a close relationship. This method is the dinner party. Brothers and sisters in the early church often ate together. People need to eat to live, and eating is the most natural activity in life. When people meet, eat together, and do natural activities, the defenses between people will naturally be opened up, and friendships will be established unconsciously.

Dinner parties are the most time-saving way to build relationships. No matter how busy you are, you still need to eat. Why not eat with the people you care about? I have built relationships with many people through food.


Love requires touch. When you touch someone's body, you also touch his heart.

The person you care about really needs you to touch him, pat him, pull him, stroke him, hug him, kiss him, in short, touch him. Body language is the most powerful way to express love. Please express love through touch.

Words of appreciation and love

Sincere praise is very constructive.

People who are closely related to you, especially your family, really need to hear your words of praise from time to time. Ephesians 4 instructs us: "Speak what is good for building others up, according to the circumstances, that it may give grace to those who hear."

We should not be afraid of saying too much praise, but of not saying enough. Words of praise not only bless your relationship with others, but also bring them closer to God. As long as you say more words of appreciation to others, they will feel your love for them, and they will also begin to feel the God you believe in! Because God is not an abstract theory, God is love; the other person will experience God's love through your praise and loving words. Words of praise will gradually melt a person's cold heart, and in time, he will feel the beauty of Jesus.

Doing things together

Men prefer to play ball together, care for those in need together, serve together, eat together, travel together... They may not talk a lot, but they build relationships unconsciously in the process of doing things.

Do something for the other person

It could be knitting a sweater for the other person, giving a small gift, helping with housework, celebrating the other person's birthday, etc. Do something substantial.

Jesus' model of washing his disciples' feet shows us a very important truth: service is an expression of love. When you truly love someone, you will be happy to do things for them. Your small acts of service can represent great love.

All five approaches are very important and we should do them all. But the degree of acceptance of these five approaches varies from person to person.

Learn to go beyond yourself to express love. There may be a way that the other person accepts, but you are not used to expressing it that way. However, for the sake of love, you can have breakthrough for yourself, right? This is self-sacrifice. It is impossible to love without denying yourself. Love is self-sacrifice.

What does the other party accept most? Think about it and do more. The relationship will be different.

I encourage every brother and sister to have a breakthrough in the expression of love so that you can become a channel of God's love, allowing God to work through you and transform the people around you with God's love.


Love till it can be Felt