How to Prophesy

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:1, 3, 31

In 1 Corinthians 14, what gift does Paul encourage believers to yearn for? It is about prophecy (v.1, the original meaning of "preaching" is to prophesy)! This gift is extremely precious because it brings about the wonderful effects of "edification, comfort, and exhortation" (v.3). We should long to speak prophecy. Prophesying is not a very profound thing. Paul said, "All of you can prophesy one by one." (v.31) God is glad to give the gift of prophecy to people, all they have to do is to be bold enough to try.

In order to prophesy, one must first receive revelation. As long as you receive revelation, you can speak with confidence. How to receive revelation? Here are some ways to receive revelations:

1. Pictures

God will reveal things to us through pictures. In general, what we see are pictures in the spirit. The picture in the spirit is not as clear as the picture seen by the physical eyes, but you know what it is.

2. Spontaneous intuitions or scriptural passages

The light gained from rational analysis comes through a process of scrutiny; but inspiration is very different. It comes spontaneously, just like a light bulb that lights up instantaneously when switched on.

3. Spiritual feeling

You may have an urge that cannot be accounted for by reason, which is a very special feeling in your spirit: "Oh! That's it!" You will have an indescribable conviction within you. This is the feeling in the spirit.

4. The beginning of a sentence

Sometimes God will give you the beginning of a sentence. You do not have the complete sentence, but have just caught a few words. Just speak out in faith and God will give you more message.

5. Spontaneous words spoken in faith

This is hard to explain. Sometimes you just do not have any inspiration at all, only knowing that there is a need to pray and serve others at this time. Even though you have no inspiration, you believe that God will work, and speak out with faith, letting God be responsible for all the results. You will be amazed at the wonderful results of "opening your mouth".

Discussion Questions

1. Who has the experience of prophesying? Share how you usually receive revelations. Please try to share some specific examples.
2. Is there anyone who has never or rarely prophesy? Share your difficulties in prophesying. How can we overcome these difficulties?


How to Prophesy