How to Apply God's Word
God gives us His Word not to increase our knowledge, but to transform our life.
Questions helping us to apply God's Word:
1. What command should I obey?
2. What role model should I follow?
3. What mistakes should I avoid?
4. What attitudes should I adopt?
5. What sins should I abandon?
6. What habit (good / bad) should I (nurture / give up)?
7. What promise should I grasp?
8. What new knowledge about God should I meditate?
Implementation of the Applications:
1. Your application must be explicit
Phil 2:5 – God wants me to be like Jesus – This would be too vague!
Here is an example of explicit application:
Phil 2:7 – Jesus took the image of a servant
"I realize that I have not fulfilled my responsibility in serving my family. I seldom help out at home, but just waiting to be served."
2. Your application must be pragmatic
Therefore you have to decide how you are going to work it out.
Example: At dinner time, I will help in setting the table. After meal, I will help in at least one item of cleaning.
3. Your application must be personal
This is something between God and you. Therefore you should keep a first-person record of it. Recording it allows you to monitor your progress before God, and to share with your mentor.