Making disciples is for EVERYONE! Jesus commanded every disciple to go and make other disciples. Followers of Jesus (disciples) have no choice! We are all meant to make disciples. Since Jesus has called all of us to make disciples, he will make sure that we can do it. Therefore sandwiched between the command to make disciples are 2 promises:

1. All power in heaven and on earth is given to Jesus!
2. Jesus will be with us ALWAYS!

You can make disciples! Jesus will see to it that you can do this! He will empower you to do so!


Jesus' strategy was to make disciples. He spent the most of his time in his 3 years of ministry training 12 men – his disciples. Jesus chose them to be "with him" – they spent a lot of time together and Jesus deliberately built into their lives. His life was an example for the disciples and by exposing his life to them, he made a deep influence in their lives.

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Someone said, "His ministry touched thousands, but He trained twelve men. He gave His life on the cross for millions, but during the three and a half years of His ministry He gave His life uniquely to twelve men."

Then when Jesus was to leave his disciples, he gave them his final instructions, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20)


Making disciples is the way of Jesus and his way is the best way. This is the strategy that Jesus set out for his church. Jesus never even asked his people to go and start a church. Jesus simply said, "Make Disciples."

"The church is looking for better methods, but God is looking for better men." He has called us to make better men – disciples – true followers of Jesus! Let's do it!